Jun 23 2018 - Apr 23 2023

Works on view by: Mathis Altmann, John Armleder, Robert Barry, Victoria Colmegna, Latifa Echakhch, Gina Fischli, Christian Holstad, Cooper Jacoby, Gabriel Kuri, William Leavitt, Sam Lewitt, Nancy Lupo, Shawn Maximo, Shahryar Nashat, Raul de Nieves, Christof Nüssli, Meret Oppenheim, Pamela Rosenkranz, Sable Elyse Smith, TELFAR, Michael Wang, Shirin Yousefi
SI ONSITE is a series of commissioned and borrowed semi-permanent works and installations exhibited in non-gallery spaces of the building. In the reception area, reading room, stairways, hallways, roof, elevator and other interstitial spaces, artists have contributed to the daily life of the building with artworks in the form of plants, scents, curtains, murals, clothing, seating, a visitor survey and more.
For archived results of Swiss Institute Visitors Poll, conducted by Hans Haacke, please click here.
Image: Shawn Maximo, Public Amenity No. 1 (38 St. Marks Front), 2018. Digital rendering. Courtesy of the artist. Click to enlarge.
SI ONSITE is made possible in part through a leadership gift from Nicoletta Fiorucci and support from SI ONSITE Partner Swiss Re. SI is grateful to the lenders for SI ONSITE: 303 Gallery, New York; Bridget Donahue, New York; David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles; Greene Naftali, New York; Karma International, Zurich; Kristina Kite Gallery, Los Angeles; Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York; Paula Cooper Gallery, New York.
SI Programming is made possible in part with public funds from Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council; the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Main sponsors include the LUMA Foundation and Friends of SI. SI gratefully acknowledges Swiss Re as SI ONSITE Partner, Vitra as Design Partner, and SWISS as Travel Partner.

John Armleder, Royal Flush, 2018. Glass mirror tile. Courtesy of the artist.

Sam Lewitt, Stranded Asset, 2018. Cast fuel ash, metal hardware, clear Murano glass rods, electrical hardware, fluorescent bulbs. Courtesy of the artist and Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York.

William Leavitt, Twin Wall Lights, 2011. Oil on canvas. Courtesy of the artist and Greene Naftali, New York.

Shahryar Nashat, The Dangling Else (YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT), 2018. Cotton, magazine clippings, metal, nylon. Courtesy of the artist and David Kordansky Gallery.

Raúl de Nieves, Humility (999), 2018, detail. Resin, beads, dirt, artist hair. Courtesy of the artist.

Raúl de Nieves, Humility (999), 2018, detail. Resin, beads, dirt, artist hair. Courtesy of the artist.

Raúl de Nieves, Humility (999), 2018, detail. Resin, beads, dirt, artist hair. Courtesy of the artist.

Gabriel Kuri, Untitled Public Art Work, 2019. Enameled plaques. Courtesy of the artist and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, New York.

Cooper Jacoby, Pacifier, 2019. SL resin, graphite, dyed cotton, microphone transmitter, receiver, speaker, and steel mount.

Latifa Echakhch, Crowd Fade (New York), 2018. Fresco. Courtesy of the artist, Galerie Kammel Mennour, Kaufmann Repetto, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, and Dvir Gallery.

Latifa Echakhch, Crowd Fade (New York), 2018, detail. Fresco. Courtesy of the artist, Galerie Kammel Mennour, Kaufmann Repetto, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, and Dvir Gallery

Christian Holstad, Companion flowers (Chives, Borage and Strawberries), 2018. Handmade fused glass panels. Courtesy of Massimo De Carlo Gallery. As part of Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Blind taste test #1 and Pattern of apples (trash can lid), 2015. Glazed ceramic. Courtesy of Massimo De Carlo Gallery. As part of Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Blind taste test #1, 2015. Glazed ceramic. Courtesy of Massimo De Carlo Gallery. As part of Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Christian Holstad, Focus on sharing a sink (Micki has 1st dibs), 2016. Glazed ceramic on Nerikomi (marbled colored clay). Courtesy of Andrew Kreps Gallery. As part of Learning to think kindly (through companion flowers), 2018. Courtesy of the artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, Massimo De Carlo Gallery, Victoria Miro Gallery.

Gina Fischli, Next Day Delivery, 2019. Glue, cigarettes, ashes. Courtesy of the artist.
Gina Fischli, Wartburg, 2019. Inkjet on vinyl. Courtesy of the artist.

Gina Fischli, Next Day Delivery, 2019. Glue, cigarettes, ashes. Courtesy of the artist.

Gabriel Kuri, Untitled Public Art Work, 2019. Enameled plaques. Courtesy of the artist and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, New York.

Pamela Rosenkranz, Color of a Tongue (Director), 2018. Courtesy of the artist.

Robert Barry, Uranyl Nitrate (UO2(NO3)2), 1969 / 2018. Courtesy of the artist.

Meret Oppenheim, Hermes Fountain, 1966 / 2006. Bronze, dark green patina. Foundry: Pietro Caporrella, Roma, Italy. Courtesy of Karma International.

Meret Oppenheim, Hermes Fountain, 1966 / 2006, detail. Bronze, dark green patina. Foundry: Pietro Caporrella, Roma, Italy. Courtesy of Karma International.

SI ONSITE, roof installation, 2018.

Nancy Lupo, Bench, 2015. Concrete. Courtesy of the artist and Kristina Kite Gallery.

Michael Wang, Extinct in the Wild, 2018. Living organisms, aluminum planters, drip irrigation system, substrate. Courtesy of the artist.

Michael Wang, Extinct in the Wild, 2018. Living organisms, aluminum planters, drip irrigation system, substrate. Courtesy of the artist.

Sable Elyse Smith, BACKBEND, 2019. Powder coated aluminum. Courtesy of the artist; JTT, New York; and Carlos/Ishikawa, London.

Sable Elyse Smith, BACKBEND, 2019, detail. Powder coated aluminum. Courtesy of the artist; JTT, New York; and Carlos/Ishikawa, London.

SI ONSITE, roof installation, 2020.

Mathis Altmann, Powerlifestyles III, 2019. Double sided RGB LED Pharmacy cross display. 5:55 min video loop. Courtesy of the artist and Freedman Fitzpatrick.

Mathis Altmann, Powerlifestyles III, 2019. Double sided RGB LED Pharmacy cross display. 5:55 min video loop. Courtesy of the artist and Freedman Fitzpatrick.

Victoria Colmegna, Mod, 2020. Dye-sublimation printed carpet. 48 x 192 in. Installed permanently at Seward Park Library, 192 E Broadway, New York, NY 10002.

Victoria Colmegna, Mod, 2020. Dye-sublimation printed carpet. 48 x 192 in. Installed permanently at Seward Park Library, 192 E Broadway, New York, NY 10002.

TELFAR, Unisex-Uniform, 2019. Backwards Polo shirts, 100% cotton. Courtesy of the artist.

Shawn Maximo, Public Amenity No. 1 (38 St. Marks Side), 2018. Digital rendering. Courtesy of the artist. Click to enlarge.

Christof Nüsseli, Untitled (googly eyes), 2019. Inkjet print on vinyl. Courtesy of the artist. On view November 2019.

Irena Haiduk During Open Hours: Labor Mode, 2019 Memory Implant (Expired on 11/30/2019) During Closed Hours: Leisure Mode, 2019. Memory Implant (Expired on 11/30/2019). Courtesy of Yugoexport.

Irena Haiduk During Open Hours: Labor Mode, 2019 Memory Implant (Expired on 11/30/2019) During Closed Hours: Leisure Mode, 2019. Memory Implant (Expired on 11/30/2019). Courtesy of Yugoexport.

Matt Copson, Gred, Blorange, Yeluple, 2019. Laser animation. Courtesy of the artist and High Art Gallery. On view from June 2019 to September 2019.

Matt Copson, Gred, Blorange, Yeluple, 2019. Laser animation. Courtesy of the artist and High Art Gallery. On view from June 2019 to September 2019.

Hans Haacke, Swiss Institute Visitor’s Poll, 2018. iPads, Mac mini, monitor. App developed by Martin Maugeais. Chinese translation by Du Keke. Spanish translation by Angelina Jaffe. Courtesy of the artist and Paula Cooper Gallery. On view from June 2018 to August 2019.

Hans Haacke, Swiss Institute Visitor’s Poll, 2018. iPads, Mac mini, monitor. App developed by Martin Maugeais. Chinese translation by Du Keke. Spanish translation by Angelina Jaffe. Courtesy of the artist and Paula Cooper Gallery. On view from June 2018 to August 2019.

Ramaya Tegegne, Genzkens/Wilsons, 2019. Nefertiti bust replica, paint, sunglasses. Courtesy of the artist. On view June 2019 to March 2020.

Ramaya Tegegne, Genzkens/Wilsons, 2019, detail. Nefertiti bust replica, paint, sunglasses. Courtesy of the artist. On view June 2019 to March 2020.

Jill Mulleady, A depiction of the apple-shot scene or the tragedy of Joan Vollmer, 2018, detail. Silk paint (acidic dyes) on organza. Courtesy of the artist and Freedman Fitzpatrick. On view from June 2018 to March 2020.

Jill Mulleady, A depiction of the apple-shot scene or the tragedy of Joan Vollmer, 2018, detail. Silk paint (acidic dyes) on organza. Courtesy of the artist and Freedman Fitzpatrick. On view from June 2018 to March 2020.

Jessi Reaves, Akari Roadkill, 2018. Metal, fabric, sawdust, wood glue, lighting fixture, hardware. Courtesy of the artist and Bridget Donahue, NYC. On view from June 2018 to May 2019.

SI ONSITE aerial view featuring works by Valentin Carron, Nancy Lupo and Michael Wang. Valentin Carron, Vecchio Cuore, 2018. Painted pine. Courtesy of the artist. On view from June 2018 – May 2019.