Swiss Institute Presents: Dead Time with Cally Spooner on Montez Press Radio

Cally Spooner Dead Time Swiss Institute Montez Press Radio Laura McLean-Ferris

SI is pleased to present an interview with artist Cally Spooner on Montez Press Radio. Listen live at 6PM on Montez Press Radio or anytime after on the archive.

Cally Spooner’s exhibition SWEAT, SHAME, ETC., held at SI from 2018-19, was conceived by the artist as a cartography of the present. At the center of the exhibition was a work named Untitled (2018), which consisted of a number of exhibition plinths constructed from olive oil soap. This material, associated with the day-to-day task of cleansing the body, provided a support structure for other works in the exhibition. During the current period, in which soap and essential care work have been pushed to the forefront of everyday life, SI’s Chief Curator, Laura McLean-Ferris, revisits the exhibition in conversation with the artist.