Nov 21 2014
Performance | Than Hussein Clark: The Pool’s Edge or Gstaad Will Never Change
Fri | 6:30

Please join us for the premier of The Pool’s Edge or Gstaad Will Never Change, a new dramatic work from artist Than Hussein Clark. Detailing the trials and tribulations of three mothers and their sons on a private beach in South America – the hotel´s service is deteriorating, the furniture is disappearing – this new performance continues the artist´s investigations into the queer trajectories of both the history of design and the history of theatre, while calling into question the continued type casting of the perfectly alienated and perfectly absurdist existential protagonist.
Than Hussein Clark is an artist, designer, performer, director, and writer based in London, Hamburg, and Berlin. His work explores economies and histories taken from architecture, the decorative arts, and theatre to explore new trajectories for queer objects and subjectivities in the present. He is a founding member of Villa Design Group, sits on the editorial board of Montez Press and is currently finishing his Masters in Time Based Media at the HFBK, Hamburg. Recent solo and group exhibitions include: Mathew Gallery, Berlin; WCW, Hamburg; Project Native Informant, London; Aran Cravey, Los Angeles; VI, VII, Oslo; Amstel 41, and Creve Coeur, Paris. His work with Villa Design Group has recently been seen at the Edinburgh Arts festival, KUB Arena, Kunsthaus Bregenz, and the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn. Upcoming projects and performances include ; David Roberts Art Foundation, London; Evelyn Yard, London; Mathew Gallery, New York; and Futura Contemporary Arts Centre, Prague.